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Unlikely Heros

Explore the playlist below before your next small group meeting.



Click Here to access the Bible

  • Scripture: Hebrews 4:16; Matthew 5:9, 28:20; Romans 8:18,38

  • Main Ideas:

    • Holiness doesn’t have a uniform story; the lives of Bl. Peter Kasui Kibe and St. Josephine Bakhita remind us that God is at work in our lives, even in unlikely places.

    • Whether we realize it or not, the Holy Spirit has been working in our lives and God has been present to us in our best moments and our worst moments; God continually calls us to holiness and fulfillment.

    • God can use any set of circumstances to help us become holy but we need to cooperate with God’s grace in those circumstances.



3.5 Minutes



4 Minutes

Also check out this music playlist on Spotify: “ES - Made Known” (spotify:user:lifeteen)



10 Minutes

Faith Timeline

Supplies: paper and pen/pencil

  1. Identify at least two times in your life when you felt close to God and draw those as “peaks” on your paper.

  2. Think of at least two times in your life when you felt that God was distant or you struggled with believing in God and draw those as “valleys” on your paper.

  3. Think about what circumstances surrounded those events. (Examples: I felt really close to God after I received 1st communion in 2nd grade. I felt that God was really distant last year when the pandemic lock down started.)

  4. Find a holy man or woman (Saint, Blessed, Venerable or Servant of God) who you can relate to. Keep your peaks and valleys in mind and see if you can find who shared similar struggles to yours and who inspires you.


Click Here to access the Bible


5 Minutes

Pray to the holy man or woman you found in the activity above.

You can also download the prayer below to St. Josephine.



Stations of the Cross from Catholic Relief Services

Walk alongside Christ on the journey of his Passion and remember our brothers and sisters around the world who experience suffering and poverty each day.