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Living Holy Lives

Explore the playlist below before your next small group meeting.



Click Here to access the Bible

  • Scripture: Genesis 1:27, Ephesians 2:10, Romans 8:28

  • Main Ideas:

    • God created us for a purpose, which is to be holy. Being holy is about authentically living as the person God created us uniquely to be.

    • When we become holy, we become a “saint.” Sainthood is a call for every person, not just a few.

    • On our own, we cannot become holy because we lack grace. Only through God’s love and divine favor can we become who God made us to be.



5.5 Minutes

Also, click the title below to access an additional video.

Destination Canonization



4 Minutes

Also check out this music playlist on Spotify: “ES - Made Known” (spotify:user:lifeteen)


My Holy Card


  1. Download the handout.

  2. Put a photo of yourself in the square or draw a picture of yourself.

  3. Fill in the information you think would be on your personal holy card!

  4. Scan or take a picture of your holy card and email it to Mrs. Sheila, stullier@ourladyofangels.com.


10 Minutes



5 Minutes

Two options - try them both!

One is a song for the Litany of Saints. The other is a reflection to pray with and even journal.



Engage Your Family

  1. WATCH the video below about St. Oscar Romero, the people’s patron saint of El Salvador. (canonized in 2018)

  2. DISCUSS: How did St. Romero’s life impact others? How did he accompany people and how did that change his perspective? How did he try to be a voice for those living in poverty and for those that were suffering? How can you as an individual or as a family be a voice for those in your community and around the world who are living in poverty or who are suffering?

  3. CONSIDER: Who do you know that needs help? What can you do to accompany them?

  4. DECIDE: How you can put into action the ideas you shared? To begin with, develop relationships with those who are suffering, listen to them, pray, and respond by walking with them.

Oscar Romero: A life for God and the poorPRAYERS: http://www.cafod.org.uk/Pray/Romero---A short film recounting the life and death of CAFOD partner, Blessed ...