Living Holy Lives
Explore the playlist below before your next small group meeting.
Click Here to access the Bible
Scripture: Genesis 1:27, Ephesians 2:10, Romans 8:28
Main Ideas:
God created us for a purpose, which is to be holy. Being holy is about authentically living as the person God created us uniquely to be.
When we become holy, we become a “saint.” Sainthood is a call for every person, not just a few.
On our own, we cannot become holy because we lack grace. Only through God’s love and divine favor can we become who God made us to be.
4 Minutes
Also check out this music playlist on Spotify: “ES - Made Known” (spotify:user:lifeteen)
My Holy Card
Download the handout.
Put a photo of yourself in the square or draw a picture of yourself.
Fill in the information you think would be on your personal holy card!
Scan or take a picture of your holy card and email it to Mrs. Sheila,
10 Minutes
5 Minutes
Two options - try them both!
One is a song for the Litany of Saints. The other is a reflection to pray with and even journal.
Engage Your Family
WATCH the video below about St. Oscar Romero, the people’s patron saint of El Salvador. (canonized in 2018)
DISCUSS: How did St. Romero’s life impact others? How did he accompany people and how did that change his perspective? How did he try to be a voice for those living in poverty and for those that were suffering? How can you as an individual or as a family be a voice for those in your community and around the world who are living in poverty or who are suffering?
CONSIDER: Who do you know that needs help? What can you do to accompany them?
DECIDE: How you can put into action the ideas you shared? To begin with, develop relationships with those who are suffering, listen to them, pray, and respond by walking with them.