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What Difference Does Prayer Make?

Explore the playlist below before your next small group meeting.



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  • Scripture: Luke 6:28; Philippians 4:6-7

  • Main Ideas:

    • Prayer is invisible and gradual. While we might not always see the direct effect of our prayers, prayer makes a difference in our lives.

    • When we enter into a relationship with God through prayer, we become a part of His work to bring about changes in our world for the good of others.

    • All of the great works Jesus does are the fruits of His prayer and time spent with the Father, in the same way all of our works should overflow from our prayer.



8 Minutes

Fr. Mike lays down the reasons we should pray and gives a few spot-on examples of how real life reflects the nature of prayer. Through prayer, God invites us...


5 Minutes

Also check out this music playlist on Spotify: “ES - Surge” (spotify:user:lifeteen)


Prayer in Scripture

Materials: Bible

  1. Choose from one of the following Scripture passages that reveal an aspect of prayer: Matthew 5:44; Matthew 7:7-11; Matthew 18:19-20; Matthew 21:21-22; John 14:12-14; John 16:23-27.

  2. Read the passage once for a sense of what it’s about.

  3. Read it again and pay attention to what word, phrase or image stands out to you.

  4. Read it one more time. Spend a few minutes in silence with God. Ask God what He is trying to communicate through the words or phrases that stood out. Write down what you noticed, how you felt.


10 Minutes


Click Here to access the Bible


10 Minutes

Repeat the activity above, Prayer in Scripture, using the other scripture passages


Catholic Social Teaching: National Slavery & Human Trafficking Awareness Month

One of the economic causes of human trafficking is wage and labor repression. Included in this category are migration, unemployment, decent jobs or jobs without dignity, supply chain abuse, labor binding agreement and child labor. One of the actions that we can take to counteract these causes is to buy Fair Trade products when possible. Some sources for these products include:

  • Ten Thousand Villages (tenthousandvillages.com)

  • Made by Survivors (MadebySurvivors.com)

  • Catholic Relief Services (crsfairtrade.org)

  • SERRV International (https://www.serrv.org/)