Is God Real?
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Scripture: Matthew 6:25-31, Psalm 19:1
Key Concepts
God’s existence is philosophical — meaning He can be known through reason. Science can only tell us about the measurable, physical world. God, because He is infinite and pure spirit, cannot be measured by science.
God, in His infinite goodness and wisdom, chose to reveal Himself to us in time so that we could know and love Him.
God does not merely reveal Himself to us, He also nourishes us and sustains us so that we might experience the goodness of life.
Key Terms
Divine Revelation: God’s communication of Himself, by which He makes known the mystery of His divine plan, a gift of self-communication which is realized by deeds and words over time, and most fully by sending us His own divine Son, Jesus Christ..
Natural Reason: The ability to use our human reason, innate and given by God, to determine God’s existence.
3 minutes
Be Prepared to Discuss at the next meeting!
10 minutes
3.5 minutes
10 minutes
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Materials needed: piece of paper, pen or pencil, envelope
Write a letter to God, include any questions you have for Him, doubts you have about Him, or fears you have about the future. After you finish, seal the letter in the envelope. On the outside, write your name and the phrase, “Open AFTER Confirmation.” You can keep it or give it to a parent to hold onto. After Confirmation, read the letter to see how far you have come in your relationship with God over the course of this year.