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Being a Good Friend

Explore the playlist below before your next small group meeting.

Click Here to access the Bible

  • Scripture: Matthew 22:36-39; Luke 6:31; Colossians 3:12-14

  • Main Ideas:

    • In order to foster healthy relationships, we have to overcome our desire to be liked by everyone.

    • Jesus reveals to us who we are. When we are rooted in both the love of God and love of ourselves, we are able to properly love others and form good friendships.

    • In order to have lasting friendships, we have to be committed to treating each other with respect and love, as well as supporting one another in good times and hard times, always seeking what is best for each other.




3 Minutes



2.5 Minutes


I can be a Good Friend Handout

Download and use the Handout below to have a discussion with family or friends about the qualities of a good friend that you each have.

If you are in a small group, this will be discussed at your next meeting.


5-10 Minutes



10 Minutes