What is Our Desire?
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Scripture: Acts 17:27 and Joshua 24:15
Key Concepts
We are all created with deep-rooted desires and spend our lives trying to discover and fulfill them.
When we try to fill our deepest longings with things other than God, we often feel empty and disappointed.
There is something greater in store for us. Our Earthly desires point us in the direction of our heavenly yearning.
Key Terms
Concupiscence: Human desires which remain disordered due to the temporal consequences of original sin, which remain even after baptism, and which produce an inclination to sin.
Happiness: Regularly used in Scripture to describe the lot of those who are blessed by God for doing His will, and the reward of the just for their faithful service on Earth. Happiness is a divine gift but requires human's cooperation to be gained.
Yearning: A feeling of intense longing.
2 minutes
What is something you really want right now? Why do you think you want it?
Challenge: Think deeply about why you want what you want.
Spend some time with “The 5 Whys” handout.
Be prepared to discuss with your small group at next week’s session.
10 minutes
2 minutes
You may also want to write or draw your responses to the questions in the recording.
3.5 minutes
5 minutes, Daily
God of Courage, I pray that You would help me pay attention to what matters most. Don’t let distractions sidetrack me from the good works You have given me to do. Remove the selfishness and self-centeredness from my heart. Change my desires, wherever they fail to lineup with Yours. Grant me wisdom and transform me into the image of Christ. Amen.
Scripture references: Mark 12:29-31, Ephesians 2:10, Matthew 16:24, Psalm 37:4-5, James 1:5, Romans 12:2