Was Jesus Ever Anxious?
Explore the playlist below before your next small group meeting.
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Scripture: Matthew 26:38, Luke 23:44-46, John 3:16-17, Romans 5:8
Main Ideas:
Anxiety is a part of the human experience, and numerous people in the Bible experience anxiety.
Jesus also experienced anxiety. When He was sentenced to death, Jesus experienced anxiety surrounding His coming suffering, even though He knew it was part of the Father’s plan.
Jesus is near to us in our anxiety and suffering.
6 Minutes
3 Minutes
Also check out this music playlist on Spotify: “ES - Iconic” (spotify:user:lifeteen)
Stress Relief
When you feel stressed or anxious this week, try some of the following:
Play with a stress-relieving item such as a stress ball, fidget spinner, Play-doh, etc.
Stop what you are doing. Take 5 slow, deep breaths. Notice how your body feels.
Read Psalm 145:18 and/or Psalm 34:18. Pray with it the verse.
5 Minutes
Click Here to access the Bible
Pray one decade of the rosary, meditating on the Sorrowful Mysteries. Download the prayer below.
5 Minutes, daily
Life & Dignity of the Human Person
Act of Service for Life & Dignity
Click on the photo below to read about Jesuit priest Father Stan Swamy and do one of the two suggested acts of service.
Fr. Stan Swamy [Image via SJES Rome/Twitter]