Acts of the Apostles / the Gospel Message
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Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:17, 54-58, 2 Corinthians 4:7-12, Acts 2:22-39, Acts 8:14-17
Key Concepts
The Good News is not just a piece of interesting information; it is a message that the world changed through Jesus’ death and Resurrection.
This new reality was proclaimed boldly by the early Church thanks to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the apostles at Pentecost and on every community who converted.
The death and Resurrection of Christ had the final word for those who accepted the Good News. Nothing else mattered: not status, wealth, family, friends, suffering, or even death. The followers of Christ believed there was more to life in Christ.
Key Terms
Hope: The theological virtue by which we desire and expect from God both eternal life and the grace we need to attain it.
Kerygma: Preaching or proclaiming, as distinct from teaching or instruction, in the Gospel of Christ.
Martyr: A witness to the truth of the faith, in which the martyr endures even death to be faithful to Christ.
2.5 minutes
Kerygma Enigma
Kerygma is a Greek word that refers to the proclaiming of the Gospel, usually a short and easily understood version of the Gospel message. Saint Peter said in one of his letters that we must always be ready to give a reason for our hope. We should be able to tell someone in a simple way what the news is and why it is good. Saint Irenaeus summed up the Gospel in these words: “God became man that man may become God.”
Click the “My Kerygma” button to reflect on the Gospel message and answer 3 questions to craft your own kerygma.
10 minutes
3.5 minutes
Life & Dignity of the Human Person
Watch the video below to learn how nuns around the world are working to promote Life & Dignity for everyone.