Who Is the Most Influential Person in History?
Explore the playlist below before your next small group meeting.
In a couple of weeks, we will play BLAZE Feud (instead of Family Feud). Please complete the 5-question survey. Your responses will be used to create the game. Thank you!
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Scripture: Matthew 1:1-17, 2:9-11; Luke 2:1-7
Main Ideas:
Roughly 2,000 years ago, a man was born who changed the world. He is a central figure of human history, and His name is Jesus.
Historical evidence shows us that Jesus was real.
Jesus’ influence did not end when He died; His following continued to grow, and He continues to impact individual lives.
5 Minutes
3 Minutes
Also check out this music playlist on Spotify: “ES - Iconic” (spotify:user:lifeteen)
Jesus Was Here Handout
Download the 2-page Handout from the link below. Instructions are on page 2.
If you are in a small group, this will be discussed at your next meeting.
10 Minutes
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Imaginative Prayer
Use a different scripture passage to pray with each day. Here are some suggestions: Luke 2:1-7, Matthew 2:13-20, Matthew 3:13-17, Matthew 9:27-31, John 2:1-11. Do the following after you select your passage:
Read the Scripture passage once, slowly.
Close your eyes and visualize the scene in the story: Who is in the story? Where are they? What are they doing? How do they feel?
Read the Scripture passage a second time.
Put yourself in the story and use your five senses (sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste) to imagine the scene.
Read the Scripture passage a final time.
Pay attention to any words, phrases, or images from the story that stand out to you.
Take a few moments in silent prayer to talk with Jesus about what you experienced during this exercise and what words, phrases, or images stood out to you. Ask Jesus to reveal how this passage might relate to your life.