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Faith and Reason

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  • Scripture: John 14:6, John 16:13, Psalm 19:1

  • Key Concepts

    • Sacred Scripture is more like a library of several books from various genres than a single book. There are four different “senses” or methods of reading: literal, moral, allegorical, and anagogical.

    • God created us to know Him. The gift of reason, or intellect, is geared toward that knowledge. As the author of all truth, God would not reveal Himself in a way that is contrary to the gift of right reason, for that would be contradictory to His plan.

    • The Church has always encouraged reason and science and has sought to unify what we can know through science with what God has revealed to us.

  • Key Terms

    • Faith: Both a gift of God and a human act by which the believer gives personal adherence to God who invites his response, and freely assents to the whole truth that God has revealed.

    • Literal Sense: The meaning of Scripture as communicated by the words of the inspired text.

    • Reason: The power of the mind to think, understand, and form judgments by a process of logic.




3 minutes

Be Prepared to Discuss at the next meeting!

  • Literal Sense: Understanding what the author intended to say, teach, or pass down.

  • Moral Sense: Teaches us about how to live our lives.

  • Allegorical Sense: Points to something else that will happen in salvation history.

  • Anagogical Sense: Teaches us about and directs us toward eternity. 

Be Prepared to Discuss at the next meeting!


10 minutes



8 minutes



1.5 minutes



5 minutes, Daily

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For each of the following scripture passages, read them and prayerfully ask God what He wants to say to you through His Word. Then write down what stood out to you from the passage and why.

  • John 6:35

  • 1 Timothy 4:12

  • Matthew 14:31

  • Exodus 14:14



5 Minutes

There have been many Catholic scientists and philosophers who have carried on the intellectual tradition of the Church. Consider the following examples:


Bonus: Watch

8 minutes