Foundations of Discipleship

Explore the playlist below before your next small group meeting.


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  • Scripture: Mark 1:16-20; Mark 3:13-19; Matthew 10

  • Key Concepts

    • If we look at the example of the disciples, we see that we must first get to know Jesus by spending time with Him. It is through time spent with Him that the disciples learned His teachings and built an intimate friendship with Him, which allowed them to love and worship Him.

    • The Church has given us the tools we need to live out our call to discipleship. We find our strength and courage in the Sacraments of Confirmation, Reconciliation, and the Eucharist.

    • Jesus is calling each of us to be a disciple. By spending time in prayer, frequenting the sacraments, and using our gifts to glorify God, we can become the disciples we are called to be.

    Key Terms

    • Disciples: Those who accepted Jesus’ message to follow Him. Jesus associated His disciples with His life, revealed the mystery of the Kingdom to the disciples, and gave them a share in His mission, His joy, and His sufferings.

    • Sacrament: An efficacious sign of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which divine life is dispensed to us through the work of the Holy Spirit.




8 minutes


Scripture Study

Read Mark 1:16-20. Reflect on these questions, discuss with family or friends:

  1. How do you think Simon Peter, Andrew, James, and John felt when the Lord asked them to follow Him?

  2. What would be the hardest things for you to give up if the Lord called you to leave everything and follow Him, right now?

  3. What nets do you hold onto that you know the Lord wants you to put down? Do you have sins or vices that you have not been able to give up, friendships or relationships that are preventing you from following the Lord, or gifts that you are using for your glory instead of for God’s glory?

  4. How can you more closely follow Jesus?

  5. What tools does the Church give you to live a life of discipleship? Have you taken advantage of these tools? Why?


10 minutes



5 minutes



5 minutes, daily

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Lord, you call each of us to leave our vices, sins, relationships, and gifts at your feet, to become your disciples. This is a great call, a true honor, yet it can sometimes be difficult. Give us your grace and strength, so we can answer your call, daily. Helps us leave behind our nets, follow you, and grow in our love of you. May we follow in your footsteps and live our lives as true disciples, glorifying you in everything we do and with everything we are. Amen.